Thursday, June 18, 2009

Greatest challenge facing civil society in the global South

The greatest challenge facing civil society in southern Africa is viewed in the context of an existing vacuum in capacity, values, standards and mechanisms on electronic communication profiling or initiatives. The is a necessity for the creation and promotion of a legitimacy across regional civic space. This can be achieved through information sharing, the formation and support of a broadbased network, further development of concepts, tools and South-South exchanges, and collaboration with international and regional organisations working towards the establishment of a regional information and resource centre (knowledge hub) for civil society remain a crucial challenge in southern African hemisphere.

People of the South blog provide a platform to share experiences, challenges or success stories, and expand civic knowledge throughout the dissemination of information through the use of this blog. Being able to share such information amongst civil society results in human development, social development, environmetal development, economic empowerment through access to information and above all individual empowerment. By persuing an unbias open initiative agenda, the blog through its collection and analysis of regional news represent the perspective of regional news. The e-blogspace, as suggested, a regional civil society in perspective constituting an arena for and by third sector organisations.

The blog or rather online newsletter works towards opening civil society space to communicate through an online medium to analyse regional perspective and applying the formulation of a broader range of responsiveness through civic dialogue. The most valuable focus is to create a platform to enhance debate and lobbying for the adoption of civil society agenda holistically. This independent blogspace works in partnership with other like-minded non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in filling the gaps such as the Coalition of Southern Africa NGOs , Southern African NGO Network (SANGONeT), Media Institute of Southern Africa, Botswana Council of NGO (BACONGO), CIVICUS: Worls Alliance of Citizen Participation, Amnesty International and many others.

Although most parts of the region do not have access to the internet and even when they do, they may not have the necessary skills to use it effectively, through creative marketing and on-line toolkits, this e-regional integration platform aims to develop it’s readers to a level where they can communicate. Access to information in an adequately usefully in the global south village.

The phenomena of regional integration provide an opportunity for sharing information, shaping the mass media and reaching global audiences at the same time.

One of the greatest challenges facing civil society is to mainstream its vision for a better world and to ensure that those of us involved in the struggle for global justice are as well informed as possible.

In a context where the global media environment presents a skewed sense of priorities and where the ownership of mainstream media is being concentrated, initiative such as People of the South blog dedicated to global social justice around the region is hopefully helping to make a difference and provide some balance.