Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Citizen journalism gaining momentum

Online journalism offer different type of platform to further communicate citizen voices and actions for learning how to write news in a journalistic ways for internet publications, blogs, people centred news sites and other forms of Internet journalism. The Guardian Unlimited assistant editor Neil McIntosh, urges that:

"For many media executives, citizen journalism has taken on the characteristics of the Beast of Bodmin Moor. It's out there, the consensus is it has the capacity to be quite vicious if you cross its path but, so far, nobody's seen much of it. So all that's been done is to discuss, rather nervously, what might happen if it lurches out the mist."

It is understood globally and locally that this form of participatory journalism function best to recapture real or good journalism as part democratic practice rooted in and directly serves citizen' lives and interests.

According to CitizenJournalismAfrica.org-: "Citizen journalism is a concept that advances the idea of those consumers or everyday citizens taking a more active role in the news. It is often referred to as the new media and includes everything from passionate letters to the editor and comments on blogs and news sites, to bloggers scooping stories or exposing doctored or omitted facts from mainstream media reports. Citizen journalism points out bias by particular reporters or news outlets and attempts to give voice to both sides on an issue”.

In today' world, this form of journalistic practice reveal its comprehensive arm on community or citizen news and shared information online or rather in print form. It is most believed that this form of journalistic practice generate its content by users and readers. Citizen journalism reveals itself in text / blogs, storytelling digital, images, graphics, audio file, or video. The general thinking is that its feedback and discussion on issues put forward are received in the same way.

Bowman and Willis urged that "Citizen journalism movement is a bottom-up, emergent phenomenon in which there is little or no editorial oversight or formal journalistic work-flow dictating the decisions of a particular staff".

As for citizen journalism, shape has changed and it turns to focus more on blogging. Blogging is now viewed as the most used medium and a powerful, non-expensive tool for non-journalists to share stories and opinions. There are a number of news sites which are encouraging citizen around the world to comment on issues affacting their lives and society at large.

Jay Rosen, Professor of Journalism at New York University (NYU), offers up his definition of citizen journalism.


Anonymous said...

It is always worring why new media cannot be view as part of communications rights through this form of citizen journalism. What will the world be like if everyone has the right to communicate with the view that people should have accessibility, availability of new media or rather internet. Should the nmet be affordable to every citizen around the world.

Anonymous said...

What are the necessary steps that radio and internet should address in which your article does not reflect much on radio broadcasting and internet